AmandaOffice Manager
Amanda has been with Complete Dentistry since spring of 2023. Amanda lives in Wilton with her husband and two dogs. In Amanda’s free time she enjoys playing disc golf and spending time with family and friends.
LindsayPatient Coordinator
Lindsay joined Complete Dentistry this spring. She loves making our patients feel welcomed and enjoys getting to know our patients. Outside of work, Lindsay enjoys hiking, skiing, camping, and spending time with her husband and 4 children.
Erica grew up in Wilton and happily resides here with her family. She is a 2010 graduate from The University of Maine at Augusta/ University College of Bangor with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. She loves spending time with her family and friends. In the winter, they snowboard the mountains of Maine and snowmobile. In the summer, they enjoy camping and playing in the water.
Randi has been with the practice since 2012! She is a 2010 graduate from The University of Maine at Augusta/ University College of Bangor with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Randi lives in Farmington with her family and two dogs. She enjoys home renovation projects and summertime camp adventures outside of work.
AlanaDental Assistant
Alana has been with the practice since 2019. Alana lives in Livermore Falls with her loved ones and her three dogs, Milly, Summit, and Blue. Alana enjoys spending time with her dogs, going to the beach, going for hikes… basically anything outdoors!
BeckyDental Assistant
Becky has been with Complete Dentistry since 2021 – but has been a dental assistant since 2011! Becky is looking to expand her dental career and go to EFDA school for expanded training. Outside of work, Becky enjoys hiking, skiing, camping, and spending time with her children.